cat wrIted tHIZ K?🍔

i maked thiz webshrine!
in MY OPINion humanz nd To prai to catz again??
but humanz iZ onle ONLIne al dai!!
so i maked thIz web shrinE so they caN Worshep me online to >:3

Cat's about me:
Name Kitteh
Nicknames pspspz (onLe fr frendz)
Age 5 yeerz old
Fav food CReem
Fear cucumBR


kitteH Y haz humanz prai tO cats?
becOS catz dont want u to fitE FR THEIR Religion K?
az ur god i want beLe rubz an creem an TREETz??
u shel get lucCk an hapPinez an ManY frendZ!
U wil be 20% colr if u worshep us!??
jOin teh ordr of cATz todai!!!!!➗🐱

TEH EGyptianz doed it to!
i WAnT to beleive!

i haZ some gifZ FR u